5 Ways To Keep Your Data Secure From Online Hackers

There’s no doubt that hacks happen all the time and they happen mainly because businesses are unaware of how to properly protect their data from online hackers. According to experts, as businesses grow, the amount of data they store increases. This is one of the reasons why to hire a records management consultant is a good idea to learn how you can better protect your data.

Moreover, security breaches are now becoming rampant because of the available technology these hackers have at their disposal. Protect your data with these simple tips.

Don’t Avoid Updates

Some people would rather forego an important update just because they take too long to finish. But, what these people don’t understand is these updates are meant to fix problems and even potential security threats. Be sure to update your OS and business software frequently to avoid the following:

  1. Bugs – Over time, hackers will find a way to exploit a program and find bugs they can use to get inside your system.
  2. New viruses – Hackers will continue to create new viruses that will try to penetrate vulnerable systems.
  3. Miss out on added functionality – It’s not always gloomy. But missing an update will mean you won’t get to access the latest feature which can also be a security risk

Updating to the latest software is an essential part of maintaining a secure system. If you’re someone who’s not patient, you can schedule an automatic update every night while you’re asleep.

Secure Your Mobile Device

More businesses are now utilizing mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Some people have a not-so-smart relationship with their mobile devices making it an easy target for hackers.

Secure your mobile devices by doing the following things:

  • Activate location services – For iPhone, this service is called Find My iPhone, for android phones its Find My Device. Activate these services, so you’re able to locate your phone in case you lose it.
  • Use lock codes – Be sure to use passcodes that are complicated. This extra layer of security can mean a great deal.
  • Avoid public networks – When you can, avoid public networks as they’re a gateway for hackers to access devices connected to it. Also, be sure never to do financial or business related browsing when connected in a public network.
  • Turn your Bluetooth off – Your Bluetooth can also be a gateway for hackers to access your mobile device and made some changes to its settings.

Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are made to protect you but, if you create passwords that are easy to decipher; you’re opening yourself up from risk. Strong passwords have the following characteristics:

  • They contain 12 or more characters.
  • Varied characters including symbols and numbers.
  • Don’t use obvious substitution such turning the letter O to zero or A to @
  • Try to select a word that’s not in the dictionary
  • Doesn’t contain names, birthday, year or address

If you’re someone who frequently forgets their passwords, you can write it down but be sure to put it somewhere safe and out of plain sight. You won’t believe how many people have been hacked just because they have their passwords on a sticky note placed conveniently in their computer.

Secure Your System

Safeguard your computer and mobile devices by installing trusted security software. You can install an anti-virus and firewall software to prevent spyware or viruses from getting into your system. A firewall is crucial as it filters out harmful elements out of your system.

Alternatively, if you have the money for it, you can purchase enterprise firewalls that can be built-in directly into your network. This kind of protection makes it even harder for hackers to get inside your system.

Use Two-factor Authentication And Encryption

If most of the services and programs you’re using rely heavily on cloud computing, be sure to get systems that offer 2FA or two-factor authentication.

2FA works like an extra verification process, more than the password. The system sends an SMS code to the user who is trying to log in and verifies if the code is correct. This feature is especially useful for businesses who give a lot of users access to their data.

Remember to encrypt your data in the cloud so that only people with access can see it. Additionally, make sure you create an offline back-up of your data in case of a security breach.


Educate yourself and the people working for you when it comes to data security. Taking precautionary measures such as downloading a critical update or creating a strong password can ward off hackers. Secure your business from prying eyes and make sure your data is protected at all times by following these simple tips.





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