Keeping your website media pretty without harming the loading speed

Ensuring that your website looks good while also performing well is a balancing act. You want to wow website viewers with a great site, but you also want it to deliver in terms of speed. This is where effective media and image optimization come in. By ensuring that your media files are optimized, you can create a website that performs as well as it looks. With that in mind, continue reading to discover some top tips on keeping your website media pretty without harming the loading speed. 

Use BlurHash – There is only one place to begin when it comes to keeping your site media looking good, and this is with BlurHash. You can get rid of those ugly grey boxes that people see when you’re website is taking a while to load. The best BlurHash implementation guide will take you through all of the steps to follow. It is an easy process and it can make a massive difference to your website.

Cache your web pages – One of the most effective ways of speeding up your website is through caching. This will store copies of the files on your website, lowering the work that is required for the server to create and serve a web page to the browser of the visitor. You can reduce your Time to First Byte (TTFB) by caching your web pages.

Choose a web host that puts performance first – Another tip when it comes to website performance is to choose a hosting provider with care. There are plenty of different web hosts to choose from today, yet they do not all deliver the same levels of performance. This is why it is important to narrow down your choice carefully. Do your research and look for a website that puts performance first. A lot of the best hosts will offer guarantees in terms of speed.

Lower your redirects – If you have too many redirects on your site, it can cause significant damage to your loading times. Whenever your page redirects to another place, the HTTP request and response process is prolonged. This is why an important step in boosting the speed and performance of your website is to reduce your redirects. 

Optimize and compress your images – Images help to boost the overall look of your site and the quality of the content you provide. At the same time, images that are big in size can end up delaying your loading times. Therefore, one of the quickest ways to boost site performance is to optimize and compress your images. There are a number of ways to do this, including compressing images via lossless or lossy compression, enabling lazy loading, and changing the image file format.

So there you have it: some of the things that you can do to keep your website pretty without causing any damage to the loading speed. If you follow the tips that have been mentioned above, you should be able to maintain a website that looks great but also performs effectively too. 

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