If you are looking for a different way to earn a living and already enjoy spending a lot of your time online frequenting the various social media sites, there is a chance that you could make a living as a blogger.
There is a world of difference between interacting with others for fun in a social and leisure capacity and actually trying to generate enough cash from your musings, so, if you are serious about giving it a go there are some things you will need to know.
A good starting point might be to check out this website which takes a microscopic look at some blogging opportunities, also, here are some pointers on some key points to take on board before you launch your career.
There is more than one way to make money from blogging
Some high-profile bloggers that have highlighted the opportunities that exist to make money from this activity have been successful thanks largely to income-generating affiliate links and sponsorship deals, but if you blindly follow that path to riches you might fall short.
These avenues are the traditional route that many newbie bloggers perceive to be the only way to make money in this sphere but for every blogger you find that is making serious money, you will a much larger number of people who struggle to make barely any money at all.
The fundamental point to take on board is that you need to think creatively and be prepared to explore other indirect ways to make money other than affiliate links and sponsorships if you are going to make a success of your venture.
You can make money from these traditional sources, of course, but be prepared to think outside the box too.
Earning money and making profits can be two different things
You might decide to focus on selling sidebar ads for your blogging page as a way of generating some income and it is definitely the case that as you build up the traffic to your site this makes you more attractive to advertisers who will be prepared to pay for a piece of the action.
If you can get to a point where you have at least 20 adverts on your sidebar it will be generating a certain amount of money each month but it would be a good idea to work out how much time you are spending servicing those sponsorship deals in relation to the amount you are getting each month.
As a typical example, if you were generating about 150,000 page views per month and attracting roughly 75,000 unique visitors per month, you would think that this would see the cash rolling in.
However, it is not uncommon for that level of activity to generate less than $500 per month.
It’s an economy of scale and you probably need to be producing much bigger numbers than this in terms of visitors and page views in order to justify your time spend when you compare the amount you earn to the number of hours you are putting in.
You are a brand
If you think of yourself as a brand and take that approach to your blogging career it is a mindset that could transform the way you set about generating an income.
First of all, all those sidebar adverts might well be diluting the value of your brand and if they are not earning you enough money, is it really worth focusing on that method of income generation?
Instead, if people start to view you as a brand that they like and trust, this creates a world of possibilities in terms of forming partnerships with selected commercial partners who want access to your audience.
It’s perfectly ok to pursue the traditional route to income with your blog if that’s what you want and are happy with, but the point to make is that you should at least open your mind to other ways to generate a regular income from your blog, and taking a branding approach is not a bad one to consider.
Embrace SEO
Whatever path you choose for your blogging career there are some key components and tools that you will need if you are going to be successful, and SEO is one of your main allies.
In order to grow the number of visitors to your blog and give yourself a chance of earning good money once traffic has reached a certain volume, you need to be visible on Google.
SEO is something you need to get a good understanding of and it pays to explore the keywords that have the capacity to propel you up the rankings.
Get your SEO strategy right and you will improve your chances of successfully growing your audience.
Match your content to the keyword
It obvious to say, but, you really do need to work hard at creating content on your blog that is highly relevant to the keywords that you are using.
A good trick is to focus on creating the best quality content you can in relation to the topic and keyword that you are using. Do that, and people will trust you as a good source and should keep coming back for more.
Spend plenty of time promoting
A good strategy to employ would be to aim to spend an equal amount of time promoting your content as you spent writing it.
Use every available chance to promote your content and be proactive about sharing on social media platforms as well as being prepared to collaborate with some influencers who are prepared to help you get your name out there.
Focus on link building too
Backlinks are serious point scorers with Google and if you are confident of producing high-quality content that others will want to share, this can get your name in front of a lot more people.
Develop a few backlink techniques as you go and this should prove an excellent way to build up your profile.
Quality control
Finally, you might have a lot to say that you want to share with others but it is often the case that quality over quantity wins the day.
If you start posting every day just to keep active, it could soon turn people off. It’s often much better to work on putting a quality piece of writing together that will really engage those that read it.
Making a living as a blogger is possible, but you will have to be prepared for a hard climb to the top.