7 Guiding Principles for UX Researchers 

UX research is an effective method to collect data that can improve the user experience for everyone using an application. There are many guiding principles that UX researchers use to gather helpful information that can be used to improve products and make them more valuable. These guiding principles for UX researchers will be talked about in this article, so you know everything you need to know when doing UX research.

Make Sure To Use A Variety

If you want to get great results, you need to use various methods when you are doing UX research. Don’t just use one form or tool and then stick to just that one. Using a variety will help you find more issues that need to be fixed and help you deliver a much better user experience than you would have been able to if you just used one method for your UX research.

UX design studios take advantage of different methods and tools to learn about the various UX issues that need to be fixed. This helps them give users the most incredible user experience. It would help if you were doing the same thing.

Only Having One User Test, Your Product Can Be Useful Too

You may have heard that you need a large sample size to test your product to find the different issues. This isn’t true; just pushing your product with one user can help you find problems that could ruin your user’s experience. Specific problems are universal, and everyone will experience them if they aren’t fixed. This means that even one user will find and share these issues and help you improve your product for everyone who will use it.

Increase Your Sample Size For More Accuracy

While one user can help you find issues with your product, having an increased sample size will help you find even more problems and improve the accuracy of the data that you collect. This is something that all UX design studios use to make sure they can find and fix as many issues as possible for the product they are working on.

When you increase your sample size, you need to ensure that your user testers reflect your personas. Don’t just increase your sample size and add random users; this will be a waste of time, and the results you collect will not be helpful.

Testing Participants Need To Reflect Personas

This is important and cannot be underestimated. The users that are testing the product need to reflect the personas for the product. Why is this so important? Not everyone will fit the target audience for your product, and you need to make sure that the users that are testing your product will help you collect valuable data and not just waste time.

You will not be able to create a product that everyone likes, and trying to make something like this will waste time. All UX design studios know this, and that’s why they only find user testers that reflect the product’s users.

Keep Your Reports Short

It would help if you made sure that your reports are short. Even if the data that your research has collected is extensive, you need to make sure that your information about this collected data is brief and to the point. People need to read this report, and they don’t want to go through pages and pages of information; they want to get back to work quickly after finding out what they need to know; keep your reports short.

If you want to create more extended documentation about the data you have collected, you can do this, but not in your report. You can create resources that people can use and learn from, including the research data, but this should be separate documentation.

Grow Your Research Methods

There will always be new methods that you can use when doing UX research, and you need to use them to help you collect valuable data. Don’t just use the ways you currently do; you should always look for more new methods and techniques.

Different methods and techniques can give additional insights, and having as much as possible will provide you with a more significant advantage and help you improve your product for users.

You Need To Randomize Your Research Process

Randomizing your research process is a great way to find any issues that testers have overlooked. You need to change the order of the different steps you want user testers to take; this will highlight problems with the project that were avoided because of the specific order before randomizing.

If you want to deliver the best user experience, then this is a guiding principle that you need to follow. Do not underestimate the effectiveness of this principle. If you want the best results, then you need to do this. This is used by many of the best UI/UX consultants worldwide to find as many issues as possible before the product is given to users.


These guiding principles need to be followed when doing UX research to get the best results possible. Many of these principles will improve the data that you collect and help you improve the product even more to give users the most incredible user experience.

You don’t need to use every single principle for UX research, but you need to choose which ones will benefit your product’s testing process and help you collect the best results. This can be not easy, and that’s why UX design studios are sometimes hired to help with this process. If you cannot do this on your own, you should hire one of these companies to help you.

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