Want to Know Who’s Calling You – Try Reverse Phone Lookup

With the number of mobile phone users exceeding well above 5 billion globally, identifying an unknown user trying to get to you cannot be an easy task.

Running through countless pages of a telephone directory will always be tiring and time consuming, no matter what. Similarly, looking on Caller ID for a number does not seem convenient either as you never get the complete information about the person calling you.

However, modern technology comes to your rescue under such circumstances, with reverse phone lookup services or directories. You can even download such a service on your mobile phone, quite often, as a free to use app.

In fact, these reverse phone lookup services not only enable you to get information regarding local numbers, but international numbers as well. Before we go any further, let’s have a look at some of the pros and cons of this service.


  • Unmatched ease and convenience in tracking identity of a person trying to call you again and again.
  • No or very nominal cost.
  • Adding unimaginable speed to the process, saving you lots and lots of time.
  • Ability to block an unwanted number.
  • Conveniently accessible service.


  • Enabling others to look about your information as conveniently as you can look at theirs.
  • Making you vulnerable against scamming and frauds.
  • Threatening your privacy.

How the Service Works?

In order to understand how this service works, consider the steps given below, which might slightly differ with different reverse phone search services, but the main idea remains the same:

  • Choose a reverse phone search service software (for example, Truecaller) or find one of the many free services available online and open it.
  • Look for the ‘Search’ option available in the interface of the service.
  • Punch in the phone number within the search box and proceed to search.
  • Let the service provider run through its database to find the matching information against the searched number. Once the details match with the number, they are displayed to you on the screen.
  • If you are unable to recognize the details of the person showed up against the searched number, you can spam it or also block it.

Now if you are wondering about a few of the reliable reverse phone lookup services, here is a list:

1.     Truecaller

According to some estimates, Truecaller boasts of about a staggering 3 billion phone numbers in its database, thus becoming one of the most sought after applications for people wanting to know about who’s calling them. It can be accessed for free on its website, just as it can be used as a handy app on iOS, Android and Blackberry platforms.

Using it on your mobile phone will require you to sign up, sharing your phone number and other details. In fact, this is how it continually expands its database. It also allows you to SPAM or block if you are apprehensive about a person calling you. Moreover, you also get to know about the area you are being called from.

2.     TrueDialer

Largely similar to ‘Truecaller’, ‘TrueDialer’ can be used only on android and windows platforms, claiming to have a database exceeding 2 billion contacts, supplemented with T9 search giving you faster access to the desired results.

This app even allows you to make emergency calls. To block unwanted callers using this app, you do not need to pay anything.  


This cool website lets you find information about anyone calling you from a database of over 160 million names. It also boasts of over 25 million visitors and serves as a great community to help people find their desired information about any phone number. In addition to that, the 900 thousand comments surely will help you get a lead to your desired information about who’s calling you. Founded in 2014, CHECK CALLER has been able to evolve into a thriving and reliable resource for reverse phone lookup services in a very short span of time.

4.     Caller ID Reference

Offered only at Apple app store, ‘Caller ID Reference’ offers Apple users accurate information on the number(s) calling you. Its specialty is its linkage with maps and as a result you can get the exact location of the number from which you are being called from.


Tech development is going at an unbelievable rate nowadays, offering you ever newer and amazing services. Make sure you use them positively or they might even harm you rather than benefit you.


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