You may be feeling a little overwhelmed by all different types of web hosting plans out there, especially if the one you have now is not working efficiently for you. You may have started out using a free or inexpensive hosting plan, but as your business grows, your following expands and your needs change. If your website is starting to feel sluggish, consider these options to find a better solution.
Shared Hosting: This is a good web hosting service if you need to generate traffic for your start-up or small business. It’s an inexpensive service because you are sharing your space with other sites. The downside of shared hosting is that the sites you’re sharing with may use more RAM and bandwidth than you do, which can cause your site to get sluggish. Another drawback is that you’ll be unable to install programs or scripts to modify your site.
Virtual Private Service (VPS): If your company is selling a product or service, you are going to need a web host that offers an e-commerce platform. Although a VPS shares a single physical service, it behaves like multiple servers. However, unlike with shared hosting, you will get a guaranteed amount of CPU and memory. How much you get will depend on how much you are willing to pay.
Cloud Hosting: For medium to large business owners, cloud computing and cloud storage is a great option because it enables anyone with a smartphone to transmit information to or edit their website. There are three types of cloud services available:
- Public cloud services: suitable for businesses using the latest technology.
- Private cloud services: best for businesses wishing to be in control of their own server.
- Hybrid cloud services: this service utilizes aspects of both public and private cloud hosting. Good for businesses who want to store their databases in the cloud but use third-party vendors to store their content safely.
You can find out more about cloud hosting at iSeries.
Colocation Web Hosting: This involves renting rack space from a data center and installing your own server hardware on-site. The center provides power, security, cooling and an Internet uplink. You are completely responsible for your own data storage, server software, backup, and maintenance. This type of service is not really worth it for small businesses unless you have the technical know-how to maintain it.
Dedicated Hosting: If your company has multiple websites then you will need a dedicated hosting service. They are usually housed within the company building and managed by the company’s personal system administrator. A dedicated server is the most reliable of all the options because they do not have to share RAM or CPU and they have faster processing. Of course, this means their price tag will be higher.
Don’t let your business suffer because your web hosting company can’t keep up with your growing needs. Change it up today so your business can grow along with your following.