Along with the increase of consumer’s presence online is the rise of the need for various brands to have a good content and the right tools that can help these consumers to pick up the right product. To aid these customers to find what they are looking for, a company’s marketing team must know their intent for the search and make their SEO, PPC, and other content efforts align to it. This way, they will be able to meet the demands of the consumers and convert some into leads.
To know what the intent of the customers is in their search is an important thing for a marketer to create a successful strategy. Perhaps, there are still a lot of web designers that take the old approach of making on the first page of a search engine’s result. If you figure out how to get better results using PPC and SEO for your content, then you can get rid of this exhaustive old approach. If you have no idea about how to do it, you can consult web designers who can make it happen, for instance, like Joel House.
Understanding Search Intent
There are three categories to classify search intent:
- Navigational (Go)
The searcher is still in the process of finding a specific website. (e.g., “Kohler water closet”)
- Informational (Know)
The searcher is trying to find specific information about the thing he is searching for. (e.g., “Are Kohler water closets a good quality?”)
- Transactional (Do)
The searcher is browsing to buy something. (e.g., “Where do I buy a Kohler water closet?”)
There are keywords that can identify whether the search is navigational, informational, or transactional. Identifying these keywords is crucial in terms of the success of a marketing team’s integrated search campaign. If you already understand the search intent along with the specific keywords that accompany them, you can already anticipate what kind of content flows along.
Integrating SEO and PPC
If you already understand the search intent of various prospective consumers, then you are already down to the two paths that come along where your efforts for SEO and PPC pays off—evaluation (informational) and purchase (transactional).
Whatever the search intent of the user is, Google may insert ads at the top of the result page which then results to lower click-through rates on regular search results. For example, if a user’s search intent is transactional, Google immediately knows that the user is close to making a purchase, thereby displaying more ads for him/her to see. This is an advantage for PPC advertisers as they get greater exposure for this kind of searches.
On the other hand, for search intents that are either navigational or informational, there are only a few ads that come along with the search result. The SEO strategy for this kind of matter must concentrate on determining the content needs and creating a good user experience that can attract the user and convert them into leads.
Identifying Objectives and Roles
The best method to maximizing traffic and uncovering critical data points like the consumer’s location and conversion opportunities is by aligning your SEO, PPC, and the content strategy. But it doesn’t only end there; your content strategy along with landing pages plays an important role in the success of your website.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
When planning a content strategy along with your SEO, it is important to identify the content needs that are critical throughout a user’s journey on your website. You need to figure out the barriers that a user may face, think about a question to ask the user’s concerns through your content and provide a good user experience. When planning your SEO strategy, integrate useful keywords that can enhance the information structure of your website along with your content strategy.
However, integrating keywords might seem tricky. It doesn’t mean that everything is important just because you can track everything on your website. Remember that the goal of a marketer is to make sure to maximize the return-on-investment (ROI)—and one of your investments is time. To ensure the protection of your investment, look for the keyword volume and competition so that you can manage your time and know where you should exert more effort.
Take a grip and control your PPC to make an assurance that your content will be there in the key moments of a user like when they are converted into leads and are about to make a purchase. It is important that you have at least attained the basic knowledge and understanding about the purpose of the exerted effort of your PPC. Otherwise, you are just wasting both your time and your money.
Think about the scenarios that can help your website. Should you work in a new category that you haven’t ventured on? Do you already have leads and push users to engage in an e-commerce action? Have you driven conversions to other channels and content to boost loyalty or preference? While thinking about different scenarios, you can already determine your list of keywords to use and the metrics, for your success might be a little bit different.
The Contents of your Website
When thinking about your content, put yourself in the shoes of the user who are going to venture in the category of your website. In case they hover over your website and click it instead of the others, think about what content they will find. This is how Google and other search engines assess different websites on a daily basis. If a user like what they found on your website, there is a high chance that they will dig more information. This is where your content strategy comes in. Your strategy must serve as a bridge that connects other tactics and channels for your website.
Wrapping it up Altogether
The search intent, content strategy, and other tools are important for a marketer in order to keep up and meet the demands of various users. All strategies will be effective if you align your SEO and PPC together with your content. With this, a marketer can deliver the demands of a user and bring out the right content without wasting any of their investments like money and time.