Irrespective of the fact how much effort you put into an article you can sometimes find yourself struggling to increase your word count. While most universities and colleges enables students to approximately five to ten percent under the word limit. Word limit plays a crucial role when it comes to any arena of writing. Some tips to add quickly to your word count is never a bad idea. This article shall talk about some of the best ways to boost your article word count.
Clarify your statements
An easy way to increase word count in your essays is to look for sentences that can be clarified with a follow-up statement. Although you need to avoid over-using this technique so that your writing doesn’t become too long-winded, you can effectively insert a few sentences.
Use supporting quotations
One of the best tricks that deserve mention in this scenario is quotes. You can always not only add words but value to your article with the help of some really good quotes from well-known authors and writers. This also adds a tinge of wit to your article.
Add another example
Look for paragraphs where you’ve used examples to illustrate your points, and add another one. This can demonstrate your thorough understanding of the topic, and it will add a significant number of words. You may log on to as well to make your writing efforts more fruitful.
Insert tables or diagrams
You can always look for some relevant data in a different from to add on to your article. While your footnotes and bibliography are generally not included in your word limits but the case is not the same when it comes to illustrations, diagrams and more. It is best if it is an illustrative material that will give you the scope to elaborate even more.
Address alternative viewpoints
A great way to increase word count is with opposing viewpoints. Include reference sources that counter your own argument. Then be sure to include these sources and also explain why you feel your own position is superior.
Consult one more text
Though you have already invested several hours into your article, you will still have the opportunity to figure out some more words. This will happen when you drag in a few more sources apart from the main ones. Take a strategic approach to same time and not sit with ten tabs open at once. It is best you take digital reference and not from lengthy PDF and books to avoid spending a lot of time transforming them.
Lastly, expand your introduction or conclusion. Finally, a good place to add words is in the Introduction and Conclusion. These paragraphs are typically expected to be less critical in nature, so you can get away with padding them out a bit.
These tips will get smooth with practice and you will need to invest a little more time to get the hang of these tricks and tactics. This is how most professional writers make the most out of their time and efforts.