Most of student buying and selling textbooks for joining new semester in college. The students find the best and affordable books on the market. There are numbers of bookstores in the market and online platform. On the internet, a number of websites provide the different textbooks for the students. If you want the textbooks, then you can visit the website. This website is the best place to sell your textbook and get the best prices as compared to other bookstores. If you want to sell the notebook, then you simply enter the ISBN number and find out the best price or free shipping. They provide the greatest opportunity to sell, rent or buy textbooks you need at affordable prices and free shipping. But, manually enter the ISBN number is a more confusing process for the customer. Then, the books-run online website provides the best opportunity to scan the ISBN number through the Barcode reader with mobile phone apps.
Customer easily orders the textbooks and buyback order with the barcode scanner on the books-run website from anywhere when you want. This website provides the coupon code APPS16 for the customer and gives the 10% extra on buyback order. This app is easily available on your android mobile phones as well as IOS devices. The customer easily uses this app and follow some specific steps such as:
- Scan books barcode: You can easily scan books barcode with the mobile phone’s camera or type the ISBN number in this field. The student easily searches a notebook through the barcode scanner in just a few
- Easily order buyback: You get the buyback quotes and easily add the order of books.
- Set the quantity of an item: You can easily set the number of books and change the condition.
- Using checkout with books-run accounts: After place the number of books, you can choose the checkout account with a books-run account or need to create a new account.
- Choose payment method: Then, completion of the order of books, then choose the payment method such as payment by check or PayPal method.
- Sell books: Then, you can sell your books on the books-run website easily with the bar code scanning method.
After that, you need to access, a printer, to print a free shipping label and easily drop the book package at the nearest post office. If you send your notebooks through the post, then you get the payment by check or PayPal method within the 2 days after the order processing done. At the end of the semester, most of the students sell their notebooks and receiving something positive return such as money. Because students are purchasing the essential materials and notebooks at a lower price or get back some money from selling these notebooks.
The students are easily selling these notebooks on the website and get the best price. They paid the payment for the customer within the four days without any issues. In this process, the user can easily track the parcel location and use the various coupons and promo offers.The books-run website offers the best chance for college students and graduates to quickly sell the textbooks you do not need anymore and get paid in cash. The students easily search the price of the book with the help of ISBN number or barcode scanner within few seconds. If the students want to buy the notebooks from this site, then they offer the free shipping of the order. They provide the affordable prices of books and easily tracking the location of the parcel if you order.