Every bit of electrical cabling and equipment, like bulbs, fans, etc., in every building today makes lives easier, safer, and healthier. They must be installed as per safety regulations. Otherwise, electrical hazards can happen, causing property damage and harm to occupants.
To prevent such mishaps, electrical engineers use instruments to test and measure various parameters associated with electricity-related equipment. These instruments are a must-have in any electrician’s kit to ensure safety regulation compliance. Vendors like Mektronics offer these electrical test tools online from reputed brands to make them readily available.
Going with the Guidance Flow before Purchase
Any on-site electrical infrastructure contains multiple aspects. Value checking each of these to see if they are within expected ranges needs test equipment tailored to each purpose. Equipment vendors like Mektronics sell these online and offer guidelines on buying the right one for the job. Knowledge of the work and a tool’s specifications will net you the best of the lot.
Digital Multimeter
The Digital Multimeter (DMM) is the digital version of the multimeter, with an LCD replacing the analogue meter up top. They measure many electrical parameters like voltage (AC and DC), DC, capacitance, resistance, line continuity, and diode functionality. Older, lower-end ones have manual knobs for range and parameter selection, while newer, pricier ones do that automatically.
Commercial/residential purpose ones have a maximum limit of 600V and 10A DC measurement while industrial ones go much higher. The abundance of test facilities makes this gadget inevitable in an electrician’s arsenal.
Electrical Screwdriver with Tester Function
The humble electrician’s screwdriver is a must-have tool. It differs from the masonry screwdriver by having a smaller Philips head to open small items locked down by such screws. Some models allow for the interchange ability of the screw head.
The screwdriver can also be inserted into sockets or touched to a live line to check for electricity flow in them. If power is flowing, a small light glows. A metallic contact to place the finger on during testing is present on the handle’s end. It is connected to a high-value resistor to make the checking process safe.
Wireless versions detect power flow when placed near a source. They will beep or buzz then. This setup adds an extra layer of safety.
Clamp Meter/Fork Meter
The amount of current flowing in a circuit is measurable only by placing an ammeter somewhere in it. Doing so is not always feasible. A clamp meter overcomes this drawback with a clamp that loops around the source, such as a cable.
While the value might be inaccurate, their usefulness is without question, making them a staple in the kit. Its variation, the fork meter, can measure voltage and resistance too.
Circuit Testers and Analysers
A circuit tester checks the functioning of an electrical circuit similar to a screwdriver tester but with added functions. They are inserted into sockets to check for faults and will show the type by glowing the LED’s present on it as per its respective pattern.
Circuit analysers take this ability further with the added ability to check Ground and Arc Fault Circuit Indicator (GFCI and AFCI) functioning. These are vital for safety.
Installing and maintaining electrical infrastructure anywhere is a dangerous but necessary job. Testing equipment available with vendors like Mektronics is crucial to keep the entire thing safe during and after installation.