
10 Awesome Link-Building Hacks

Do you feel as challenged with SEO features as most website owners? It’s unfortunate the continuous adjustments search engines make to their algorithms leave many of us flabbergasted.

Do you want to know a secret?

It’s not so difficult to stay one step ahead of Google and your competition.

I used to live in denial and simply ignored link building. It sounded too complicated and I doubted its importance. But out of desperation to improve my ranking, I gave it a try. And I realized I wasted unnecessary time. Anyone can do link building. And it makes a massive impact on ranking.

Below are a few hacks you can start implementing today.

Audit Your Site

Don’t simply focus on other sites. Your website comes first. Small details could be limiting the quality of your website.

Many link building hacks below are based on how well your site performs. If you don’t have these in place, you have a difficult road ahead.

Do You Have Internal Links?

Search algorithms love internal links. Create more on your page,as long as they’re relevant. When your website improves, your guest posts (more about that later) will be accepted easier.

Are Broken Links Killing Your SEO?

If your links—internal and existing backlinks—don’t lead anywhere, Google will know. You can test and repair links manually on your own site. If the link is posted on another website, request an amendment. Yes, this will take time. But it’s vital to your website’s ranking.

Do You Have Attractive Content?

While you’re doing all this research, you should reassess your content too. When companies view your website to gauge its relevancy and quality, they’re looking for:

  • Well written content
  • Factual information
  • Original content
  • Grammatically correct language

Will your website impress them?


You want people to notice you and your website. Eventually, they’ll mention you in their content. Getting noticed requires networking in relevant places:

  • Comment on market leaders’ blogs
  • Join Facebook groups and take part in discussions
  • Find and join online communities

Link-building requires action.

Steal from Your Competitors

This sounds bad, but it’s simply a research technique.

During link-building, a lot of time is invested in searching for relevant websites. But your competitors already researched viable websites to create backlinks from. Why can’t you use them too? It’s easy to download this data.

Software and applications, such as Linkody, that helps to find competitors’ backlinks. This tool will create a list of competitors’ backlinks and then you can simply do an outreach to get these links.

One-to-One Approach Works

Part of link-building is about building relationship with your community:

  • Market leaders
  • Suppliers
  • Competitors

You want them willing to provide links to your website. This takes time and many emails.

Luckily you can use tools such as Linkody and to manage this process:

  • Use email templates
  • Create distribution lists
  • Personalize emails (This is very important)

These relationships can lead to link creation and guest blogging. Here’s a guide.

Dynamic Guest Blogging

Other website owners are looking for backlinks, just as much as you are. When you help them, it can benefit you.

Website owners search the web for sites open to guest blogging. Include this invitation in your content, so you’ll be listed in searches too. And when someone asks you for the privilege, ask for the same favor in return.

Guest blogging is one of the most fun methods. You can write what you’re passionate about. But this process will take time.

And no, you won’t be allowed to post on the market leaders’ websites from the very start. Start on low authority websites and prove your worth. The experts always need proof of what you can do. Build a list of sites you can direct them to.

Your preparations now will benefit you in future.

Who is Talking About You?

Above we told you how to research your competition. But inquiring about yourself is as important:

  • What are other websites saying about you?
  • Do all these mentions link back to your site?

When you start getting traction in your field, it’s inevitable that more people will mention your brand. This becomes an easy link building method:

  • You can Google yourself, but this takes time.
  • Fresh Web Explorer will give more accurate feedback.
  • Google Alerts will tell you when a new mention is posted so you can react directly.

There’s an added benefit to this research: You’ll see which websites or genres your brand relates to most. Now you can optimize your marketing.

Switch From Sales to Research

Language use is so important. The small nuances determine whether you have dynamic content. What content do most people hate? Sales promotions.

What do you do if you have an eCommerce site? Simply create the type of content people are looking for. Informational content, featured on a blog, will offer other websites quality data to link to.


People Love Stats

Do you want to have people begging you for backlinks? Then gather statistics.

What do you search for on the web? Many searches focus on finding facts and statistics. But who has time to visit 10 different websites to find all the relevant data?

If all statistics about a certain subject is offered on your website, you’ll have many visitors and others will create links to you.

Use Testimonials and Reviews

Some people are ready to give you a backlink. All you have to do is ask.


Who in your field will benefit from a testimonial? Just about any company will be willing to pay for one. Why not offer one for free and get a free backlink?

You can approach suppliers, business partners, and even general service providers. They all need new content for their websites.

Remember to ask for the backlink and never assume it’s done. Always go and check as soon as your words are posted!


Some people’s livelihoods are built on writing reviews. Most people use the internet to research a product or service before committing to a purchase. That’s why review websites are so popular and lucrative.

But anyone can run out of material to write about. Why not offer yourself as a subject?

But heed these warnings:

  • Don’t pay for the review or the backlink. It’s not organic and actually violates some of Google’s guidelines.
  • Don’t ask for a review or backlink. Simply offer your product or service for free.


These bloggers will do thorough research, and comment on anything relevant; positive or negative. If you have a quality product, service or website, you’ll get the backlink you deserve. Can you see how important upgrading your website was?

Help the Professionals

You can help a different group of writers too: Journalists.

These researchers are always looking for facts. Their reputations depend on it. Make it easy for them to source facts when a story relates to your field of expertise:

  • Sign up with HARO (Help a Reporter)
  • Register as an authority source
  • Wait for notifications on subjects they need help with
  • Respond with quotes or information

If you’re the source a reporter needs, you’ll be contacted. The eventual story will include your backlink.

See? Some of these hacks are fun!


These are only some of the methods you can use in SEO. Because ranking is determined by many website features, almost any improvement or addition will have an effect. And these link building hacks will have you rising to the top. You have the knowledge now. Get going! Get one step ahead of your competition.

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